Marking Policy

At The Riverbank School our focus is on a child-centred learning where every child leads their own learning. We consistently strive to provide engaging learning experiences that motivate and challenge each child as an individual to reach his/ her full potential. We set high expectations for our students’ achievement as well as progression whilst monitoring this through marking and feedback.

Marking has the potential to be the most powerful, manageable and useful diagnostic record of achievement. Shirley Clarke, 2001

Children’s work is marked and graded based on the set objectives using certain criteria. Proper feedback is given to the children to support, consolidate, accelerate or challenge their learning. It creates an awareness of the child’s current achievement and the next steps for support, consolidation or extension. The children are encouraged to read and act upon the comments made by the teacher (where appropriate, the teacher reads the comments to the child) as it encourages them to take ownership of their learning.

The children work in collaboration with the teacher to set their targets and goals for the next level of achievement. Self-assessment is done by the children to improve their self-confidence. Peer-marking or assessment can also be done under the guidance of the teacher as they tend to relate with their peers at their own level in identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses.

The Riverbank School’s assessment focuses on attainment of the set objectives as well as the effort put into achieving that objective.

A working well above the level expected for the year group
B working above the level expected for the year group
C working at the level expected for the year group
D working below the level expected for the year group
E working well below the level expected for the year group
1 the child has put in an excellent effort towards achieving the set objective
2 the child has put in a very good effort towards achieving the set objective
3 the child has put in satisfactory effort towards achieving the set objective
4 the child has put in poor effort towards achieving the set objective
5 the child has put in an unsatisfactory effort towards achieving the set objective

Consequently a Cˌ grade means that the child is working at the expected level for the year group and has put in an excellent effort in achieving the set objective.

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