Attendance Policy

The aim of The Riverbank Primary School’s Attendance Policy is to provide an environment which encourages all our pupils to attend school regularly and punctually. This is vital if we are to ensure they succeed in school and in their future lives.

There are clear links between attendance and attainment, and attendance and safeguarding children. Therefore, the whole school community has a responsibility for promoting excellent attendance: governors, parents, pupils and all school staff.

If a pupil is prevented from attending school because of sickness or other unavoidable cause, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school of the pupil’s absence. Ideally, this should be by telephone on the first day of absence and later confirmed in writing. Wherever possible, parents should avoid making medical/dental appointments for their children during school hours.

Parents do not have the right to take children out of school for a holiday during term time. In term time absence for holiday will not be authorised.
Attached is a Guide for Parents which may help to answer some important questions.

In Key stage 1 & 2, all pupils should be aware of the importance of regular school attendance. If they are having difficulties which might prevent them from attending school regularly, they should speak to their class teacher or another adult.

Pupils should attend all their lessons on time, ready to learn. If they have been absent from school, they should give their class teacher a note from their parents to explain the absence. Pupils in Key stage 1& 2 also have a responsibility for following school procedures if they arrive late.

All the staff at The Riverbank Primary School provide an ethos which places a high value on regular attendance and good punctuality. They also have a responsibility to set a good example in matters relating to their own attendance and punctuality.

School staff members are responsible for ensuring that pupils have good attendance by:

Ensuring attendance registers are kept accurately; appropriately noted between authorised and unauthorised absence (a letter or message from a parent does not in itself authorise an absence – only the school can decide whether the parent’s explanation justifies authorising the absence); if in doubt refer to head teacher;

Children can be marked as unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances if they are unable to get to school because of serious disruption to travel caused by a weather-related emergency (flooding);

Contacting parents when they are concerned about a pupil’s absences, and recording the contact;

Promoting regular school attendance (for example by contacting parents on the second day of absence if parents have not contacted the school).

Awards will be made each term for the class with the highest attendance. Individual pupils with full attendance each term and academic year will receive awards.

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